These shirts are all 100 percent cotton and feature bands such as the Beatles, Willie Nelson, Nirvana, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, Family Guy, Peanuts, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd.
They're high quality rock'n roll t-shirts, by companies such as Apple Corps, Zion Rootswear, Fruit of the Loom, Alstyne, Anvil Knitwear, Hanes Heavyweight and more.
For Bike Weekers stuck at the red light, Look in the Window! These great shirts are on display at Harlan Wolfe's Record Shop, 6 Main St., Conway Village, NH, 03818. That's right on the corner of Washington and Main, which is also the intersection of Rte. 16 and 153 enroute to the White Mountains.
Customers at Harlan Wolfe Music in Conway Village are getting first crack at these limited availability shirts this weekend, in dual celebration of Vinyl Saturday and Bike Week in New Hampshire.moneyblows books & music.
Heard a great quote from a twenty-something yesterday: "If you're gonna mess up your credit, might as well do it while you're young, 'cause there's time to fix it."
Some things never change, such as J.D. Salinger's protective efforts over a half century to keep Holden Caulfield, protagonist of Catcher In The Rye, from being copied. This time, and I'm putting my own spin on this, his lawyers say his copyright includes the right to cryogenically preserve Caulfield the way he originally was at the end of the novel. The only thing different then was, Caulfield wasn't famous yet when Salinger was just finishing his novel. But if Salinger says he's the same as he ever was, doesn't he have that right? Why should anybody piggyback on J.D. Salinger? It's just not nice. And, does anyone remember "The Wind Done Gone," the sequel to "Gone With The Wind."?
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